Computer Related > TV Dead :-( Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 55

 TV Dead :-( - zippy
Samsung Q900 8k TV

5 years and 3 months old and it wont turn on.

It's showing a red LED under the Samsung logo where there is hidden on / off switch but nothing happens. It's not responding to either the Samsung or Sky remote. I've unplugged it. Reseated cables etc. but to no avail.

Not happy as it's a £3k set.

Local TV repair people are thin on the ground as TVs have become "disposable".

I'll call the Samsung helpline tomorrow but I am not holding out much hope.

 TV Dead :-( - Bromptonaut
£3k for a telly box!!

 TV Dead :-( - zippy

Yes, flagship model. 8k 75 inch.

Yes, one of my silly moments when times were good - interest rates were low etc.

Couldn't afford the same today - which is one of the reasons I'm peed off.
 TV Dead :-( - Biggles
Is there a reset function, keeping the power button pressed for 10 seconds?
 TV Dead :-( - smokie
To me a Samsung failing at 5 years sounds unlikely.

Red light on means it's off (I think you know that :-) ). If it won't turn on by the remote have you tried using the on/off on the telly (or did you mean you'd tried that?) - could just be a remote problem.

I'd also unplug everything else - inputs, sound bar etc, as I recall one telly years ago took an aversion to something which was plugged in (might have been a USB stick)

Also unplug it and leave it unplugged for a few minutes to allow it to discharge.
 TV Dead :-( - VxFan
Usual cause is a failed capacitor on the power supply PCB.

I've replaced several over the years for friends and family for less than a fiver, and the TV, stereo, computer, etc have carried on working for many more years.

Depending on how competent you are, and you can find the power supply PCB after taking the TV apart, look for any capacitors that look swollen.

See for more info.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 14 Oct 24 at 10:42
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
Thanks for all of your replies!

I have gone through all of the suggestions and no luck.

The red light is on - but flashes occasionally. The web based Samsung Fault Finder suggests a workshop repair is needed due to a likely power fault.

The screen itself is heavy at 95lbs! It is connected to a black box about the size of a couple of shoe boxes by a fine wire. The black box has the power supply and HDMI inputs etc.

I have checked the fine wire - there are no obvious kinks or tears. A replacement is about £80 (£70 to £195 depending on where you order it from).

There is a regular "clicking" sound that comes from the TV - I can't track down if it's the panel or black box - but it goes when the thing is switched off. I guess it could be the fans inside the unit.

I am away for a few days and will have a look when I get back - hopefully it is a capacitor job only.

 TV Dead :-( - bathtub tom
Could it be one of the fans failed? If the system's detected this, then it may have shut down?
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> Could it be one of the fans failed? If the system's detected this, then it
>> may have shut down?

How would I go about testing that?
 TV Dead :-( - Kevin
Try asking on Onlyfans?
 TV Dead :-( - bathtub tom
>> >> Could it be one of the fans failed? If the system's detected this, then
>> it
>> >> may have shut down?
>> How would I go about testing that?

You have a look!
 TV Dead :-( - Zero
Clicking? Red light flashing? Power supply deffo

Probably a cap(s), but they can take out other stuff when they go.
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
Thanks again all and .... Doh! re BTT ;-D, I will look at the weekend when I get home from work.

In the meantime Mrs Z has to make do with a budget 4k Toshiba (from Turkey is my guess).
Last edited by: zippy on Mon 14 Oct 24 at 18:42
 TV Dead :-( - VxFan
>> I will look at the weekend when I get home from work.

And the outcome was........
 TV Dead :-( - tyrednemotional
...let him have his "duff duff moment" a bit longer. ;-)
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> ...let him have his "duff duff moment" a bit longer. ;-)

Oh har-de-har ;-D

Still dead.

Local TV repair men seem to have died out as TVs become "disposable" items.
 TV Dead :-( - smokie
Still dead Zippy?
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> Still dead Zippy?

No, I am 100% alive! :-D

The TV on the other hand is as dead as the proverbial do do.

When I get some time I will hunt down a local repair co. All the ones I have called so far want the TV shipped to them which is not practical as it weighs almost 100lbs without packaging.
Last edited by: zippy on Thu 24 Oct 24 at 10:21
 TV Dead :-( - VxFan
Have you got any repair cafés in your area?
Usually found via local Facebook groups, and offer repair of all kinds of things from clothes, electronics, etc.
 TV Dead :-( - T junction
But would have to transport it to them, (and that sounds quite a beast) so best to contact them first as the skills of the volunteers can vary a lot between cafés. We have one volunteer at ours that would probably relish a go at that, but we are in Cumbria!
 TV Dead :-( - VxFan

There are 3 in my local area within a 10 mile radius of each other. That website doesn't list any of them.
 TV Dead :-( - T junction
Interesting! Do they run under the umbrella of the international organisation? Our details are listed on the site and are up to date, despite moving premises about 2 months ago.
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
Thanks T junction.

Will have a good look when I finish work later...
 TV Dead :-( - Biggles
Did you try the reset trick I mentioned earlier?
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> Did you try the reset trick I mentioned earlier?

Yes, but no luck unfortunately.
 TV Dead :-( - R.P.
is there any chance of goodwill from supplier or Samsung ?
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> is there any chance of goodwill from supplier or Samsung ?

I brought it from Samsung direct. Currently their call centre just say it's out of warranty - can't do anything. I will try and find someone higher up to talk to.

Final option might be s75 as I purchased it on a credit card. They will want proof that it's a manufacturing defect rather than just wear and tear and will take off an element for use.
 TV Dead :-( - smokie
How long was the warranty?
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
I was convinced it was 5 years, but they say 1 and I can't currently find the order email - typically.

The set was 5 years old in August.
 TV Dead :-( - martin aston
Our local Euronics outlet (South West England) are very good and advertise TV repair. Do you have one locally? I also looked on Checkatrade and they have a TV Repair category although none local to me (they don’t list the Euronics one). It might be worth checking for your area, you might strike lucky.
Have you tried local social media for recommendations? You might have to look for electronic repair rather than specifically TV.

 TV Dead :-( - tyrednemotional
Well, you could always try the Samsung route via an Authorised Repair Centre.

It says they'll pick up and return TVs under 84".

Unlikely to be cheap, but it just might be a viable route.
 TV Dead :-( - smokie
I'm told Checkatrade is pretty much that the trader pays a not-inconsequential fee to get listed.

There is no proper check on their work but obvs there are a often reviews. However Like AirBnB the reviews seem mostly positive or very positive, but I don't believe they can all be that good!!
 TV Dead :-( - bathtub tom
>> I'm told Checkatrade is pretty much that the trader pays a not-inconsequential fee to get
>> listed.
>> There is no proper check on their work but obvs there are a often reviews.
>> However Like AirBnB the reviews seem mostly positive or very positive, but I don't believe
>> they can all be that good!!

I've been told the traders can have reviews removed!

There's a local radio consumer programme that seems to consist largely of folk that googled builder/roofer etc and got someone who could start work immediately, but wanted full payment up front.
 TV Dead :-( - bathtub tom
>>Final option might be s75 as I purchased it on a credit card.

Don't expect anything to happen soon! I'm currently going through the S75 procedure that started back in 12/23! Independant inspection and report shows the supplier to be at fault. CC company have credited me, but supplier has gone through chargeback, which means they've 45 days to challenge the refund.

I've not posted any reviews (yet) on the original company, but am waiting until after the 45 day period.

May see me yet, marching up and down outside their shop with a damn great placard.
 TV Dead :-( - R.P.
From CAB website

Consider using your legal rights instead

It may be easier to get your money back, a repair or replacement without using your warranty or guarantee.

Find out if it’s easier to use your legal rights on faulty goods instead. It’s usually easier within the first 6 months. You have legal rights for up to 6 years (5 years in Scotland) if there’s a fault.
 TV Dead :-( - VxFan
>> Interesting! Do they run under the umbrella of the international organisation?

No idea. I've just seen mention of them on FaceBook. They all seem to fall under the category "Sustainable"
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
We are having real difficulty finding a local TV repair company.

Most refuse to touch anything above 55 inches.

I am out tomorrow but there is a couple more I need to try before going to Samsung direct again and using their nominated repairers who are likely to be expensive and suggested shipping the TV to them, which isn't practical.

We have a 50 inch 4k Toshiba (I suspect it's a Turkish or Chinese re-badge using the Toshiba brand under licence). That worked for 4 or 5 days and now shows a picture for about 5 minutes before going in to a cycle of trying to re-aquire the HDMI signal with no luck. Switching it off and unplugging it for about an hour is the only working solution - for another 5 minutes of viewing! I have tried other devices with both the Samsung and Toshiba sets and both have the same problems - so both TVs are faulty rather than the Sky box.

So now on the 3rd TV. An ancient Sony 720p 32 inch from about 2007, recovered from behind a bookcase in my office. It is currently working. Can't find the remote, but it actually has all the necessary buttons on the top of the set. It probably hasn't been used since early 2016.

It is actually supposed to be a Hi-Def 1080p picture set but refuses to accept a 1080p signal.

I managed to coax the Toshiba on to get me to the setting page on the Sky Box and reduce the resolution to 720p. It then died again.

The Sky remote has been reprogrammed to work the Sony (they are good like that). Once plugged in and working with the set, I tried a 1080i signal but that didn't work either. I think it's too late to take it back to Comet to complain :-D
Last edited by: zippy on Wed 13 Nov 24 at 22:33
 TV Dead :-( - Zero
Try a new high quality HDMI cable.
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
Will do. Will have to wait to the weekend now. The current ones are good, but now 6 years old so I guess solder joints could age.
 TV Dead :-( - Zero
The pins are prone to oxidisation.
 TV Dead :-( - bathtub tom
I find this confusing, you state:

"We have a 50 inch 4k Toshiba" and "Most refuse to touch anything above 55 inches."

"worked for 4 or 5 days". Then it's definitely under warranty.

" I think it's too late to take it back to Comet to complain". Why, if it's only worked for a few days?
2015 cosumer rights act state goods and services should be of reasonable quality and last a reasonable time. I think Brompt may be able to help you.
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> I find this confusing, you state:
>> "We have a 50 inch 4k Toshiba" and

>>"Most refuse to touch anything above 55 inches."

Refers to the 75 inch set at the top of the thread.

>> "worked for 4 or 5 days". Then it's definitely under warranty.

No, it's an old spare set in one of the bedrooms. (A 50 inch Toshiba, now about 8 years old).

>> " I think it's too late to take it back to Comet to complain". Why,
>> if it's only worked for a few days?
>> 2015 cosumer rights act state goods and services should be of reasonable quality and last
>> a reasonable time. I think Brompt may be able to help you.

Refers to an even older 2007/2008 32 inch set bought from Comet, who went out of business in 2012!
Last edited by: zippy on Thu 14 Nov 24 at 10:05
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
The repair shop is convinced it's a motherboard problem.

Problem is none of his suppliers have any and are unlikely to get any.


Samsung direct are no help.
 TV Dead :-( - Bromptonaut
Our Bosch oven went off the weekend before last. Had been playing up mildly for a while, resetting to default temperature of 160 while supposedly heating up to 200. Then it apparently fused while we were using the grill and wouldn't run the pyrolytic cleaning function.

Repair man pulled long face and said it was probably the motherboard in which case it was likely 'beyond economic repair'; we'd had it six years.

Turned out he thought the socket was faulty - it's rated at 3kw and although on a spur was plugged in. His socket test device lit up like a Xmas tree.

Fitted replacement faceplate over the weekend and hope it's OK now.
 TV Dead :-( - Manatee
Unless you can get a board elsewhere (secondhand?) it sounds like a goner.

Long shot - ff you have the board number search it on ebay. There are lots of samsung boards on there and repair kits for the ones that commonly pop - even if you haven't the skills to swap componentsyou might find somebody else to do it for you.

About 15 years ago I had a day out with a warranty repair man for TV's. All the sets had been diagnosed by phone from the fault and he had all the new boards on the van. We just took the backs off and swapped them, they all worked except one. He'd been given 3 possible boards for that , we swapped them all and it still didn't work. He had only had a week's training himself!
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
We've been watching TV on the ancient 32 inch Sony Bravia and it hasn't been a fun experience. The picture is very small and colours were washed out for want of a better description.

Yesterday, when rummaging around the garage to throw some junk out, I found a 40 inch Sony Bravia that I purchased on 26th December 2008 (I found the email receipt from John Lewis on my emails), that I had totally forgotten about

It was lying flat!!! With boxes of books, garden chairs and other junk on top of and totally hiding it. I had totally forgotten about it. I think the weight of the bits and bobs must have been well over 100lbs.

I thought that there was no way it would work but thought I would give it a try. This morning, I found a spare "kettle" cable and plugged it it and it powered up without hesitation. It has a very vivid image and looks huge compared to the smaller Bravia - I have checked, the smaller one is marked as 32 inches, but because the picture is so much brighter the 40" just looks so much bigger.

Model KDL40V4000 and it cost £499.00 and it takes a 1080P signal.

The back light is CCFL and not LED - so I am really surprised they are all working.

It's also nearly 10" thick and has a huge 1.5" / 2" border - so modern looking it ain't.

Luckily the universal Sky remote works it well.

I wonder if there is a retro market for these :-D
 TV Dead :-( - sherlock47
Kettle lead - I trust you changed the fuse?
 TV Dead :-( - zippy
>> Kettle lead - I trust you changed the fuse?

Thanks Sherlock - it didn't occur to me! I will get a pack at the shops later. I guess 3amps?

 TV Dead :-( - Kevin
The fuse is there to protect the cable and should be rated according to the conductor size. It isn't there to protect the equipment(TV) which will have it's own fuse.
 TV Dead :-( - Bromptonaut
>> The fuse is there to protect the cable and should be rated according to the
>> conductor size. It isn't there to protect the equipment(TV) which will have it's own fuse.

Mmm, that's an interesting take. Is this something that's changed down the years?

I'm sure my old DIY book listed fuse sizes against appliances and their rating with two or three amps for a table light up to 13 for an electric fire.

Quite interesting how the running order has changed since the seventies with TVs down to <5amps and vacuum cleaners climbing up to >10.
 TV Dead :-( - Kevin
There's no harm in using a smaller fuse if the load allows it but the primary purpose is for the cable.
 TV Dead :-( - Kevin
 TV Dead :-( - Bromptonaut

Thanks, we cross posted. The 700watt thing rings a distant bell.
 TV Dead :-( - Bromptonaut
>> There's no harm in using a smaller fuse if the load allows it but the
>> primary purpose is for the cable.

Is that a recent, like in last 40years or so, change in philosophy?

I don't think the cheap iron I bought after leaving the parental home in 1979 had an internal fuse. It blew the one in the plug though!!
 TV Dead :-( - sherlock47
The fuse is there to protect the cable and should be rated according.

I was aware of that, but in the absence of any build details about the device connected, it is wise to rate the fuse appropriately.
 TV Dead :-( - Kevin
It wasn't criticism sherlock. Just doing my bit to dispel the very commonly held belief that the fuse is there to protect the load.
There's also the myth that a plug fuse will blow at it's rated current but in fact a 3A fuse will carry 5A all day without a problem which is handy if you have a 1kW TV.
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