Computer Related > Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" Miscellaneous
Thread Author: RattleandSmoke Replies: 13

 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
Got a clients PC on the bench, every time I try and install Outlook 2010 it just says "unspecified error" at the end of the installation. Not very helpful. I have removed the old Outlook 2000.

Anybody come across this? £100 down on the software so need to get this working ASAP.

I can't remove the rest of Office 2000 as he has no way of reinstalling it.
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - Zero
what you got in the Windows event logs?

Also, are you signed in with full admin rights?

edit, oh and there is probably an instal log somewhere, search for files created at the time of the install.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 8 Sep 11 at 19:40
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
Sorry so tired, been working since 9:00am so loosing the plot now, missed the bleeding obvious about event logs, it is XP Pro SP3 (legal for a change too!)

And yep the account does have full admin rights, but I might reset the permissions, its never been formatted since this system was built circa 2004 but there is a lot of software on it which my client has no means to reinstall so he doesn't want me to do that under any circumstances so there are a few minor windows issues I need to fix too.

 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - devonite
not really any help! but
>>a few minor windows issues I need to fix too.<<

if you fixed these first, maybe the "unspecified error" may resolve itself?
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
By minor windows issues I just meant the hard drive needs defragging etc. Not had chance to look at this today as I have been far too busy with other jobs.
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - Fursty Ferret
I think you're being optimistic expecting Office 2010 and Office 2000 to exist in harmony. It's enterprise stuff, it's not designed to do this. 99% of Office users will effectively see a clean install from a system image somewhere in the IT dept.

Other possibility is that his computer doesn't meet minimum specs for Office 2010 - I mean, Office 2000 needs a Pentium 75, 4MB of RAM, and a 9,600 baud modem for internet connectivity...

Have you considered using Office Starter 2010? It's a virtualised install (though good luck with that on anything less than Core2) and will exist independently from anything else on the computer. Available through Technet, I believe.
Last edited by: Alfa Floor on Fri 9 Sep 11 at 23:23
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
In the end he found a copy of Office 2007 retail which wasn't been used, so I have taken 2000 off but still won't install. The PC is old but it is a P4 HT with 1.5GB RAM so more than enough to run Outlook 2000.

Going to have a proper look at this today.
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - rtj70
Is the error the same with Office 2007 (minus Outlook 2007) and then trying to install Outlook 2010?

I wonder if it's MAPI related. What if you install all of Office 2007 with Outlook and get it working. Then install Outlook 2010 which should uninstall Outlook 2007.
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
Sadly there is no outlook with this version of 2007 so I cannot try that. I am going to install it again and this time watch the event logs live, so I may be able to see the relent error.

 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
Fixed it. god that was one of the hardest installs I ever had to do, here is what I did:-

1) After doing research I found it may be do the with the depository, so I try to reset that but keep getting a missing files message.

2) Ran SFC, but it kept complaining I was using the wrong disc even I though I knew it was correct.

3) Ran a repair install but then windows would get stuck at please wait....

4) I managed to get it working in safe mode, then it worked in normal mode but when it asked me to login it said must be activated. It kept getting stuck before the activation wizzard came up.

5) Reset the activation counter to allow me to login

6) Installed Internet Explorer 8 an attempt to fix the activation problem.

7) Rebooted, the activation wizzard now worked, activated it fine.

8) Tried to reinstall Outlook 2010 again and this time it worked! Still not actually run Outlook yet though!
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Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 13 Sep 11 at 01:29
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - R.P.
Well that was satisfying I bet !
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - rtj70
I hope Rats charged time and materials - i.e. for all the time this took him to resolve. And not a fixed fee.
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - Zero
 Outlook 2010 - £99 and "unspecified error" - RattleandSmoke
The bill will be over £200 but £100 is for the licence. That includes setting up a mailbox too, which was simple enough.

The interesting thing was as soon as I ran outlook 2010 the accounts and PST file where all there, so clearly some of the Office 2000 configuration files where still there, I was expecting to have to re-import the PST.

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