Motoring Discussion > BMW - BMW feature rental Buying / Selling
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 15

 BMW - BMW feature rental - No FM2R
Nor do you have to pay for a feature you don't want when you couldn't find the model you wanted without it.

It'll also be in the manufacturer's interest to keep software and data up-to-date even in older second-hand models since it will be ongoing revenue for them.

For the hardware, then it's so cheap that I am sure the additional cost for including it in all cars as opposed to managing a decision process when each custom car is built is minimal.
 Messages Author Date
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new zippy 5 Jul 20 19:03
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new T junction 5 Jul 20 19:40
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new No FM2R 5 Jul 20 19:51
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new R.P. 5 Jul 20 20:06
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new James T 5 Jul 20 20:20
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new zippy 5 Jul 20 21:27
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new Falkirk Bairn 5 Jul 20 22:16
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new bathtub tom 5 Jul 20 22:38
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new Terry 5 Jul 20 22:32
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new No FM2R 5 Jul 20 23:15
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new zippy 6 Jul 20 00:19
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new No FM2R 6 Jul 20 00:54
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new Zero 6 Jul 20 08:29
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new Bill Payer 6 Jul 20 10:45
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new PeterS 6 Jul 20 10:05
 BMW - BMW feature rental  new Shiny 7 Jul 20 13:44
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