Mrs RP's car, British Racing Green an exclusive model with panoramic roof and white leather interior has been part exchanged. The Mini will be 4 years old at the end of August. Not a moment's trouble with it, it was a daily drive running errands for the in-laws mainly. Cracking motor still looks the business. Even today when I popped to the shops it drew attention from a fellow shopper.
She's part exchanged it for (wait for it) a 8 month old BMW 128ti ! Reasonable deal from BMW including a "free" 3rd year warranty from. She test drove one (in grey !) and was smitten straight away and was worth, in her opinion, the 3k more than a standard 118 petrol. The 128 is a front wheel drive Beemer, I've yet to drive one but it feels quick enough ! The interior trim is a cut above the MINI's and feels very premium.
It may have to be delivered tomorrow as she's copped a dose of COVID, it's still out there.
Meanwhile the Audi still delivers, just not quite a 3 series on a few levels, it's dual carriageway/Motorway ride seems better than my old 335d.