Computer Related > Where does XP store the HDD size? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Screwloose Replies: 15

 Where does XP store the HDD size? - Screwloose

Thanks; I had to make a floppy to install XP, so it must be around - somewhere.
 Messages Author Date
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 18:08
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Zero 5 Apr 10 18:31
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 19:28
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new merlin 5 Apr 10 19:56
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new John H 5 Apr 10 20:10
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new smokie 5 Apr 10 18:48
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Iffy 5 Apr 10 19:05
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 19:52
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new rtj70 5 Apr 10 19:07
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 20:08
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 19:36
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new smokie 5 Apr 10 19:49
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 20:13
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Zero 5 Apr 10 19:53
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Screwloose 5 Apr 10 20:14
 Where does XP store the HDD size? new Aaron C. Rescue 11 Apr 10 21:39
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