Non-motoring > Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4.   [Read only] Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 102

 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.

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Olympian rings and roundabouts....
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 30 Jul 12 at 01:19
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Robin O'Reliant
The thread title should be "Olympic Highs and Lows, Sponsored by Pepsi"

Just to annoy them.
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
I promised to be positive.
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
some more "as they see it"
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
Hey RR, lets have a little bit of positivity, they are going to play Bubbles at the opening ceremony.

(no word of a lie - its true)
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
Aussie Women Olympic Athletes, - second class apparently....
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 22 Jul 12 at 20:13
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
The Aussie view on London and the games
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Robin O'Reliant
>> Hey RR, lets have a little bit of positivity, they are going to play Bubbles
>> at the opening ceremony.
>> (no word of a lie - its true)
Well it's the least they can do considering we won the World Cup.
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Londoner
>> Well it's the least they can do considering we won the World Cup.
You are Alf Garnet AICMFP.
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
I can confirm the makers name is NOT ground off the non specific gender holes

Fast free wifi in the stadium too
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
Last night I saw the Opening Ceremony.

Without giving the game away, it goes through 4 themes, the pastural, the industrial revolution, a fantasy section, and pop art.

It swings wildly from stupid, surreal, boring to jaw dropping spectacular and awesome in no particular order. The transition from pastural to Industrial revolution is on a scale I don't really think TV can capture.

Glad to be there? Oh yes, would I have paid 50 quid, 100 quid? oh yes, 2000 quid? er No. Will the world love it? Oh yes.

Make some space in your viewing schedule to catch this one, you'll not see its like again

 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
Looking forward to it now Zero - wish I'd been there last night (honest !!). Comment made during the news last night was that we both hoped it went well..
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - sherlock47
Just about sums up Mrs pmh view! She will not let on either.

 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
We did very well in 08 didn't we ? 4th in the medal tables, boxing above our weight ! Here's hoping !!
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
Some of the Olympic advertising fascists on the Wales News tonight "On patrol" in Cardiff around the Millennium Stadium clamping down on some small traders that had used the word "Olympic" chalked A frame outside a shop and a small trader (cafe) advertising an "Olympic Wrap" Goodness sake.....
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
How is Little Chef managing with the Olympic Breakfast?
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
Well 8 branches of the Little Thief locally have been taken over by Starbucks - bad news that really uber expensive coffee and some horribly dense cake....:-( . Just checked out their "new" menu online - No Olympic Breakfast !
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Zero
It was the only thing in there worth eating. Starbucks! Yeuck coffee....
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
I know...... Random Little Chef memory, I met a pal for a brew in one branch years ago - he was sort of having "relations" with one of the staff, a rather tubby bloke and fond of his food, he ordered an "off-menu" giant plate of Bacon - it was huge !!! Billy Connolly must have stopped off for a brew as he was there, I saw him point at "our" feast - but the waitress was shaking her head at him....obviously refusing the Big Yin's request....who did he think he was eh ?
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - DP
Ah, the Olympic Breakfast. Some friends and I once walked 4 miles in drizzle with stinking hangovers just to get one each. And it was worth it.
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
Off to a good start anyway with the British Women's team playing well (better than the men's home nations ever manage to do) first class weather in a world class venue which looked marvellous on the sun...hope it's a good omen !
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
Much anticipated Private Eye arrived today - brilliant. Complete with an Olympic themed "Gnomemart" Thank Goodness satire has not been made illegal !
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Focusless
BTW Olympics proper already started on TV - BBC3 has been showing women's football this evening, and it's still on the red button (301).

Late kick-off for the North Korea/Columbia game as the Koreans refused to come on the pitch when the South Korean flag was displayed on the stadium screen during the build up :o

EDIT: and the Swedes have just scored a top goal
Last edited by: Focus on Wed 25 Jul 12 at 21:02
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - R.P.
A real "doh" moment that !
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Focusless
Reminds me of those stories of the Arabic cock-ups (not sure why though):

I like the comment at the end of the first piece:
"It advised that Arabic posters should be checked by a speaker of the language."

Surely not; everyone knows that computer translations are 100% accurate :)
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Duncan
And there is nobody there.
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - henry k
Drug cheats - the latest.

THE international athletics body has confirmed bans for NINE ‘sophisticated’ dopers — just two days before the start of the London 2012 Olympics.

Plus one other on drugs plus a Greek Tweeter. how many more ?
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - Armel Coussine
'Drug cheats' is a disgusting expression designed to scapegoat individual athletes for what is really national or club policy. They are just doing what their trainers make them do.

No offence henry, but decent people shouldn't use it. It is nasty tabloid crap and pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Thu 26 Jul 12 at 00:30
 Olympic Highs and Lows Volume 4. - henry k
>>No offence henry,
None taken
>> but decent people shouldn't use it. It is nasty tabloid crap and pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.
I agree. I wonder how many others will fail to arrive at the games?
 More football - Focusless
BBC red button (freeview ch 301) showing men's football today:

1420-1640 Mexico v South Korea
1705-1925 Gabon v Switzerland
1935-2155 Belarus v New Zealand

+ last few minutes of Honduras/Morocco on now.
 More football - Manatee
Must check for the women's football. I have no interest in football.
 More football - Focusless
>> Must check for the women's football.

I'm afraid it's not not that different to the men's game :)
 More football - R.P.
I'm afraid it's not not that different to the men's game :)

But behaving in a far less girly matter...
 How you wee crucial to cycling performance - Focusless
Bromps - you need to see this. FFWD to 1:00:
 One of the final torch runners - R.P.

I know John - and this is well desereved many people owe their lives directly to him and his team
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 26 Jul 12 at 10:38
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Manatee

I had a pang of regret when I read Zero's teaser on the opening ceremony, having turned down an invitation to it, but it was very brief. I'll watch it on the TV though.
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Ambo forecasts London rain 27 July to 4 August
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Zero
They are wrong. No rain in London till Sunday
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Focusless
BBC 5 day forecast:

Suggests might be lucky tomorrow night, still warm.
 Olympics over the years comparison - Crankcase

Interesting on a number of fronts, including records broken, costs, and admission prices.
 Olympics over the years comparison - Focusless
>> Interesting on a number of fronts, including records broken

Approx 5 minutes off the 1500m swimming record from 1948 (19m 18.5s) to now (14m 38.92s, set in 2008)!
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Focusless
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 26 Jul 12 at 14:12
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Crankcase
>> .

Good point.
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Roger.
>> .

I agree.
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Zero
He's talking cobblers
 "Aquatic Centre" roof cock up. - Focusless

I was looking at the BBC weather again, and thought they had changed tomorrow's forecast to no rain. But after positing the good news I realised I had been looking at the Reading forecast, hence the quick edit. Show's it's all a bit hit and miss.

At least the Stratford one is now not showing any rain from 3pm onwards.
 No pressure - Focusless
The London 2012 Olympics will show the world "beyond doubt that Britain can deliver", the prime minister has said.

Hope you know what you're doing Z :)
 No pressure - Iffy
...Hope you know what you're doing Z :)...

What is Zeddo doing?

 No pressure - Zero
Yeah, what is he doing! I will tell you after. The what and the where. I am there now doing it.
 No pressure - Focusless
Didn't think the synchronised swimming had started yet?
 No pressure - Zero
Just to add, I am not in Edinboro, I have nothing to do with Ladies football, and even less to do with matching flags against countries.
 No pressure - Focusless
I thought you said in a thread somewhere it's something to do with comms, but I can't find it now. Did you sort out your early morning transportation problem?
 No pressure - Zero
Yes and no
 No pressure - Focusless
BTW I'm helping with comms too - just been told that there are 1200 of our femtocells in the Village :)

EDIT: 60,000 voice calls + 900,000 data calls so far...
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 26 Jul 12 at 14:04
 No pressure - Zero
But you havent got a fancy uniform or free food and drink...
 No pressure - Focusless
>> But you havent got a fancy uniform or free food and drink...

...or a commute into London at 5 in the morning :)

I bet it's fun actually.
 International! - Roger.
In an attempt to participate in the International Fun Fest, I can say that tonight for dinner we are having Moroccan Chicken Soup, (Weighwatcher's version - must get fit to watch the opening ceremony!)
 International! - Zero
Have you seen a Moroccan chicken? scrawny things, you'll not get fat or fit on that.
 International! - Roger.
Actually I'm using minced turkey not chicken,as it is is hard to find minced chicken these days.
Another bit if Internationalism, eh?
 International! - Focusless
>> Actually I'm using minced turkey

Good choice - lean beef mince has shot up to £3.60 (500g) at Asda, compared to £1.98 for turkey (450g). Relative bargain.
 International! - Iffy
...lean beef mince has shot up to £3.60 (500g) at Asda...

About twice that would buy a small, but good quality, roasting joint.

It would make a couple of meals hot, and the leftovers minced would taste 100 times better than the raw stuff in trays.

 International! - Manatee
>> ...lean beef mince has shot up to £3.60 (500g) at Asda...
>> About twice that would buy a small, but good quality, roasting joint

Where? Maybe double that for 800g of top rump or similar that they call roasting joints but I would pot roast anyway unless I wanted to resole my shoes. Rib at least for roasting, and £10-£15?

A fiver for a bit of brisket might be nearer the mark.

Our 5% fat beef mince this week was £3.89 for 450g, waitrose essentials from Ocado. But I'll make four portions of my special chilli - tin of red kidley beans, tin of tomatoes, couple of onions, two sticks of celery, a couple of carrots, garlic, chilli powder, cumin, cinnamon, a few shots of Henderson's relish. Served with wholegrain basmati rice, four meals. Not too bad and quite healthy.

 International! - Iffy
...unless I wanted to resole my shoes...

The roasted topside or silverside I use is tender enough, although names of cuts vary a bit across the country.

I usually buy from a farmer who sells direct at farmers' markets.

He told me his beef is no better than the supermarkets, but it is hung for a little longer, which makes a difference to tenderness.

I haven't got the price to hand - my current stock is in the caravan freezer - but prices in the north can be lower, particularly prices from local suppliers.

The vegetables from the farmers' market are, literally, pennies.

The producer there also told me it's the same stuff as in the supermarkets - he used to supply them.

But the taste difference - where there is one - is the farmers' market carrot was pulled the night before, but the supermarket one has been in the supply chain for several days or weeks.

 International! - Manatee
Topside, that's the one - you're right the supermarket joints are tough as old boots unless pot roasted.

And I'm sure you're right about regional prices too. I am rebelling at the local pub charging £3.50 a pint for brown beer - the lager is probably dearer still. I doubt I'll be paying that in Northumberland in 3 weeks time.
 International! - R.P.
Meanwhile at the Olympics ! :-D
 International! - Manatee
Is there a beer sponsor? How much is it a pint?
 Todays the day - Zero
This evening we will host the most watched global TV event in history. The world, literally, will be watching us.

Tens of thousands of people have enthusiastically worked (many unpaid) thier socks off to bring this event to fruition and show the UK in the best light to the rest of the world.

Good luck boys and girls. Lets hope its a great games.

 Todays the day - R.P.
Hear Hear Zero. :-D
 Todays the day - Crankcase
I have to admit that if you hadn't posted that I'd have had no idea there was anything happening tonight. But I'm going to be busy with some other thing so will miss it anyway.

Hope it goes well for those who do have an interest, anyway.

 Todays the day - henry k
Zero. Well put.

My local council and yours has also been putting a good effort in on the cycle route
grass cutting, litter picking displays on the roundabouts etc.

Dear old BBC TV concentrating on twiteraty while Sky had full coverage of the Hampton Court event this morning. WAKE UP BBC !!!
 Todays the day - Zero
My local council is hosting a fun day on the local rec alongside the route, big screen the lot. The screen will be running tonight, and nearly everyone in the area is off to party loaded with wine and nibbles.
 Todays the day - R.P.
Too posh to drink beer there Zero ??
 Todays the day - Zero
Alas we gave the servants the day off, the Bently is broke, so wine is easier to carry.
 Todays the day - Pat
I'm working until 7.30pm and have to be up for work at 3.30am tomorrow, but would love to watch it all.

Do I gamble that the 12 drivers will also watch it and be less than awake at 6am tomorrow?:)

The doubters should all take a look at an Atlas and see how small we are as a country, compared to others who have staged the Olympics.

As always, I'm proud of what we can achieve....even you too Z:)

 Todays the day - Zero
>> I'm working until 7.30pm and have to be up for work at 3.30am tomorrow, but
>> would love to watch it all.
>> As always, I'm proud of what we can achieve....even you too Z:)

I should hope so, I had to be up at 4:15 for a 5:45 start yesterday, a 5:45 start today, and a 5:15 start tomorrow. Thats tough for a bloke who hasnt worked for two years.

(actually its not - its suprising how easy it is to get quickly back into working patterns
 Todays the day - hjd
>> My local council is hosting a fun day on the local rec alongside the route,
>> big screen the lot. The screen will be running tonight, and nearly everyone in the
>> area is off to party loaded with wine and nibbles.
nearly everyone??
nobody I know, and I live in the area too.
Not being a killjoy - we are off to the swimming on Sunday and 4 lots of tennis (including the mens' and ladies' finals).
 Todays the day - Zero

>> nearly everyone??
>> nobody I know, and I live in the area too.

Yeah - sorry the committee blackballed sending you out an invite, still never mind at least you won't be grazing on my twiglets.
 Todays the day - Iffy
...Dear old BBC TV concentrating on twiteraty while Sky had full coverage of the Hampton Court event this morning. WAKE UP BBC !!!...

I've not seen the coverage, but it is not the first time Sky News has done a better journalistic job of covering a story than the BBC.

There can be a temptation in my job to try something different, just for the sake of it.

Rarely works, there's a tried and tested approach to most types of story and that approach is almost always the best.

 Todays the day - Duncan
>> I've not seen the coverage, but it is not the first time Sky News has
>> done a better journalistic job of covering a story than the BBC.

Likewise, Sky Sport often does a better job than the BBC.

The Beeb is too keen on showing stupid people in the crowd, rather than concentrating on what is happening on the pitch/track/whatever.
 Todays the day - bathtub tom
Can anyone explain why the (supposed) bell ringing was 8.12 this morning - I didn't hear any.

When I first read 8.12, I assumed it was an evening thing 20.12!
 Todays the day - rtj70
I too thought the thing would have been 20:12.... something changed surely?

We thought the bell ringing element of the final twenty twelve programme was funny.... and then it turns out there really was such a thing. Not that we heard anything at home.
 Todays the day - BobbyG
I may be in the minority but I feel that Sky overdo it at events. They get plaudits for their football coverage and analysis but I feel they just analyse it far too much, right down to the last throw in.

I watched F1 on Sky at the weekend as it was free and their coverage and analysis, again I may be in the minority, but I just thought there was too much.

Since the advent of 24 hours news and sports channel, the art of showing relevant footage and getting to the point is long gone!
 Todays the day - Armel Coussine
>> I may be in the minority but I feel that Sky overdo it at events.

I agree Bobby, anyway as far as F1 is concerned. I think the BBC did it better, because less profusely. A lot of what passes for coverage is just aimless rabbiting.
 Todays the day - Duncan
>> I watched F1 on Sky at the weekend as it was free

How do you get Sky free of charge?
 Todays the day - henry k
>> >> I watched F1 on Sky at the weekend as it was free
>> >>
>> How do you get Sky free of charge?
On the web.

I was too busy this last weekend to watch any but BBC do a normal full coverage LIVE but it is not transmitted in the UK.
I watched it on the web earlier in the season.
I could also switch from free Sky to BBC - both live.
 Todays the day - sooty123
not all of us working to support it are so enthusiastic ;-)
 Todays the day - rtj70
We have Sky sports but if the F1 is on the BBC too ten I prefer to watch that. If I want to watch a highlights programme then it's the BBC for me too.

Referring to: "Since the advent of 24 hours news and sports channel, the art of showing relevant footage and getting to the point is long gone!"

I commented to my wife last night how the coverage of sports has changed so much since say the 80s Olympics. The BBC will have handed over a lot of air time on their only two channels etc but it didn't seem overdone. Unlike all the coverage of events, including the Olympics, that we have now.
 Todays the day - zookeeper
they spent billions on this event, but they couldnt paint the colours in on the back of the giant olympic rings floating on the thames, im so dissapointed
 Todays the day - Bromptonaut
Lot of VIP jet type traffic going into Luton and Stansted. Rossiya IL62 on finals @ STN (Putin and entourage?).

N2N - Apple exec Gulfstream 6000 feet over Essex; possibly for Luton or a wide routing into STN.
 Todays the day - rtj70
Until I went into Sky+ on my phone earlier I didn't realise the BBC had about 24 temporary channels! Talk about coverage being way above what I remember from the nostalgia days ;-)

And if you've got a Humax Freesat box you might not be able to record from them. Oops.
 Todays the day - CGNorwich
 Todays the day - Zero
Yeah, we have that pinned on the wall at the venue!!!!!
 Todays the day - smokie
Virgin TiVo also has millions of extra channels, I think they are the same as those you get through the red button - the advantage on recorders being that you can record something if you particularly want to watch it, whereas you can only watch on the red button when you are Live.

There's also a TiVo app (on the TiVo, not your phone) but I'm at a loss to what it does - I think it is just short highlights of past events. As well as a load of those, it is currently offering the Opening Ceremony with no commentary, which could be a bonus.
 Todays the day - smokie
Cabbies on a go slow, protesting about Olympic lanes
 Todays the day - R.P.
Looks pretty impressive so far..What other music than Elgar eh ?
Last edited by: R.P. on Fri 27 Jul 12 at 21:02
 Todays the day - Focusless
Yeah, bit of a slow start perhaps - too much of the kiddies singing IMO - but has built up to quite a spectacle.
 Todays the day - devonite
what an atrocity!! - should have stuck with the Athletes walking around the track carrying their Country placard! some things are best left unbroked!
 Todays the day - Manatee
Must stay positive Devonite. It's very impressive tripe.

And as people keep saying it's a once in a lifetime insult to the intelligence so enjoy it!
 Todays the day - Duncan
Well, if Zero managed to stay awake during the opening ceremony, I take my hat off to him!

Crikey, this goes on until 12.35 am. Well, not with me it doesn't. What a load of tripe!

If I find it tedious, what must foreigners think?
 Todays the day - Duncan
>> Looks pretty impressive so far.

Yeah. that's one minute in!
 Todays the day - R.P.
Okay get on with it !
 Todays the day - Crankcase
Recreation of the Lord of the Rings was very good, although Peter Jackson did it better; Queen parachuting bit was stupid and didn't she look like thunder; Mike Oldfield and Mr Bean good fun, then there was a house with people dancing about to a backing of American TV shows for reasons that escaped me, so bed.

Hope they cleared the rights to the Potter characters and the Disney Mary Poppins, as the umbrella flying Poppins scene isn't in the books of course, even though it appeared in the "literature" section. Perhaps those two factors account for 26 of the 27 million.

All good fun I'm sure. Might see the highlights tomorrow in case I understand any of it again.
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