Computer Related > Free Malwarebytes Computing Issues
Thread Author: Ambo Replies: 2

 Free Malwarebytes - Ambo
In the genuinely free version of Malwarebytes, is cover constant whenever switched on, or must it be engaged manually every time?

I had it, but made the mistake of responding to a "free" trial upgrade offer. For "free" read "free for a fortnight's trial, then pay". I can't now find a way back, but this trial version has a note to the effect that, if I don't pay, it will revert to manual but I am not clear if this puts me fully back to my original position.
 Messages Author Date
 Free Malwarebytes new Ambo 19 Jun 18 13:25
 Free Malwarebytes new Auristocrat 19 Jun 18 14:02
 Free Malwarebytes new Ambo 21 Jun 18 13:46
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