Non-motoring > Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5   [Read only] Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 101

 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - R.P.

***** This thread is now closed, please CLICK HERE to go to Volume 6 *****

Volume 5 - NO CARS :-)

Volume 4 is here
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 23 Dec 11 at 00:46
 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - Ted

I guess there are a fair few of these crossings left around the country. This one, on Chat Moss, is opened and closed by the car driver under instruction from the signalman leaning out of his window and shouting !
The gates are electrically locked shut until a car appears and the signalman knows it's safe to unlock them.

This on a busy double track mainline railway, the first Intercity line in the world !

Fortunately, there's not a lot of road traffic

 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - Runfer D'Hills
"Jetman Rossy"

Gotta love this guy !
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 27 Nov 11 at 18:02
 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - Bigtee

A bit late in the reply no internet at work damn railways!!

Yes stick your video up of signals & old stations preferably abandoned ones.

For christmas will have to send you a Northern high vis vest.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 29 Nov 11 at 21:26
 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - Zero

>> Yes stick your video up of signals & old stations preferably abandoned ones.

I am currently working on a railway archaeology video, will be up in a day or two. Its ok re the HiViz - I have a Network Rail set!

But in the mean time. Today was a simply stunning day down south, almost spring like with bright blue clear skies, warm and sunny. I sets off with the dog to the Hants/Wilts border, the area of the River Test valley, between Romsey and Salisbury. Shot off down the M3 avoiding the chaos that was the closed M25, a short stretch of the A303 (I love that road - it speaks to me of holidays) and then down the not much travelled A30. How did such an important historical road end up as such a backwater? Along one of the longest straight A roads I know, 5 Miles with not a single left/right deviation, tho much up and down, and into the old market town of Stockbridge, before negotiating the back lanes into my destination, the village of East Dean.

And there we meet good old Bittern, still masquerading as the Dominion of New Zealand (and why not she looks as pretty as a picture), hauling the Poole to Bristol Bath Spa Express.

Came back a slightly different and very picturesque route, where I found this place

All in all a fabulous time!
 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - Focusless
>> hauling the Poole to Bristol Bath Spa Express.

Ah - I guess that would explain why the platform at Bath was so full this afternoon when I was waiting for the 1643 towards Paddington. They looked a bit-overdressed for a 125!
 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - Zero
>> >> hauling the Poole to Bristol Bath Spa Express.
>> Ah - I guess that would explain why the platform at Bath was so full
>> this afternoon when I was waiting for the 1643 towards Paddington. They looked a bit-overdressed
>> for a 125!

Due in at 16:54, with a 17:00 departure for the return leg.
 Unusual planes, trains but no automobiles vol 5 - spamcan61
>> and then down the not much travelled A30. How did such an important historical road
>> end up as such a backwater? Along one of the longest straight A roads I
>> know, 5 Miles with not a single left/right deviation, tho much up and down, and
>> into the old market town of Stockbridge, before negotiating the back lanes into my destination,
>> the village of East Dean.
Yep, used that stretch of A30 many a time; my last resort diversion route in the event of major foul-ups at the south end of the M3 or A34. Very scenic drive from Stockbridge down to Romsey.
 Blue Pullman - Ted

Just rounding off my evening with a skip around YouTube and came across this BTC fillum of a Blue Pullman on the Paddington to Birmingham Snow Hill run.

One or two nice aerial shots.
These units were ' shedded ' at Reddish when introduced for the Manchester Central to St Pancras service...The Midland Pullman.

I have a small photo of one passing the end of our back garden which I took from my bedroom window in about 1960. A bit small/black & White. If I can find it, I'll scan and post it.

I think one of the two major model makers is to produce this as a model after great demand.
Hornby and Bachmann are taking notice now of what their customers want to see produced.

 Blue Pullman - devonite
I had a model Blue Pullman in HO/OO gauge when I was about 12. Made by Hornby, it was 2x engine units and 1 middle carriage. My thievin brother knicked and swapped it !!!!
 The daily Steamer - Zero
Todays steamer is Britannia, captured at taplow station. A class 66 shed, a couple of fast HSTs, and a sad story about the footbridge at Taplow.,
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 1 Dec 11 at 16:10
 Some nice bits of flying. - R.P.
Out walking dog the elder today in Rhosneigr - Couple of Hawk T2s of No IV Squadron flying in nice tight formations, followed by a brace of Tornados, flying side by side on their final approach into Valley - destined to land as a couple. Nice work.
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 1 Dec 11 at 16:16
 The daily Steamer - Alastairw
Pity the HSTs arn't Valenta powered anymore - a much nicer noise.
 The daily Steamer - Zero
Ok this one has the lot, if my last batch has bored you rigid, this should provide some welcome relief.

Train today is Merchant Navy Class 4-6-2 no 35028 Clan Line, only its running as 35017 Belgian Marine. Clan line has a bit of a story, for most of the year it was running with dicky injectors, and they kept bodging them, despite the crews claiming it was not steaming well.

It was running a full compliment of coaches on a run to Oxford and the injector finally gave up the ghost, the boiler nearly became uncovered with water, three fusible plugs went, and the crew had to drop the contents of the fire box (ie the fire) onto the track whereby the Fire brigade were called. The boiler was nearly cooked, which for a steam engine is the kiss of death.

Four months later, its back running, only pretending to be someone else. Today was its first real fare paying passenger day since the repairs (it had a test run at the end of last month)
And to be fair, with brand new injectors it seems to be steaming well with a nice beat.

So I sets off on a nice 1 mile hike along the sunken lanes to a spot I had staked out in the Surrey Hills at Albury, leaving my car in a public car park. Gorgeous day again, cant believe its December. While at my spot, another guy turns up and settles down to wait for clan lines arrival. Just as the train arrives, some bloke comes up and starts ranting and raving just at the vital moment. He was going on about the other blokes car. I kept filming getting more and more angry, and after the camera is turned off I gave him a right load of foul mouthed abuse. He muttered and stomped off. Anyway his tirade is on here.

Oh and a fox crossed the line just before the train rocked up.

Here is she is, I give you Clan Line ladies and gentlemen
 The daily Steamer - R.P.
Good video Zero - shame about the loon in the background - sounded like a Spike Milligan character !
 The daily Steamer - Zero
>> Good video Zero - shame about the loon in the background - sounded like a
>> Spike Milligan character !

His timing for the rant was impeccable, I had been there for 30 minutes enjoying the countryside and he rocks up at exactly the same time as the train!
 The daily Steamer - R.P.
While Mr Fox was lining his chickens up for a snak....very good vid -I was watching it in 480p initially and thought it was HD ! He sounded like Eccles from the Goon Show.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 3 Dec 11 at 21:00
 The daily Steamer - Zero
>> While Mr Fox was lining his chickens up for a snak..

I sincerely hope so!
 The daily Steamer - Dog
You should have shot him in front of his family (using soft focus of course!)
 The daily Steamer - -
Enjoyed that Z, thankyou.

If you'd happened to have kept the camera running for the verbal thrashing of the twerp i'd like to have seen it.
 The daily Steamer - Zero
>> Enjoyed that Z, thankyou.
>> If you'd happened to have kept the camera running for the verbal thrashing of the
>> twerp i'd like to have seen it.

I had the very same DOH! thought as I was walking back!, iF ONLY!
 The daily Steamer - Bromptonaut
What on earth was the guy mouthing off about? Presumably someone else who'd not taken your trouble to leave their car and walk?

I'd have had the bike in the boot!!
 The daily Steamer - Zero
>> What on earth was the guy mouthing off about? Presumably someone else who'd not taken
>> your trouble to leave their car and walk?

The other guy who was there had the red Suzuki, but he had driven the sunken lane, which is not illegal.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 3 Dec 11 at 21:00
 The daily Steamer - MD
Great Video Zero, HS10 perchance? Still haven't mastered mine, but time is a huge prob too.
 The daily Steamer - Zero
>> Great Video Zero, HS10 perchance? Still haven't mastered mine, but time is a huge prob
>> too.

Yup the HS10. To be fair its not the best video camera ever, noisy focus, easily fooled in video mode, and video is full auto with no way of changing settings other than zoom, but its a great compromise of still and video. The one camera does all I want of it.
 The daily Steamer - MD
I have to say you make a very fair job of what you do. Always very enjoyable.
 The daily Steamer - Zero
Ta, its good fun, finding the spots, bit of research, some local colour, taking the money shot, and then the video editing
 The daily Steamer - Bigtee
Ideal for you spotters this would be for you Zero.

Get one next to main line with a carriage to rent out with spotters viewing area, serve tea & biscuits.
 The daily Steamer - Old Navy
Is that Zero's garden shed?
 The daily Steamer 8th December - Zero
Actually I had a distant uncle who had a an old goods wagon body as a garden shed, he lived in Swaffham.

And todays loco is

Oliver Cromwell, back to its historical roots in the fens. Ah the fens, the land where the wind blows, everything leans over, the wind blows, the soil is as black as newgits knocker, the wind blows, its wet, did I tell you about the wind....?
 Attention Ted, Rattle et al - Zero
Boys you have an LMS Princess Class, 46201 Princess Elizabeth, into Manchester on Saturday

 The daily Steamer 8th December - Dog
Pity we can't go back to the olde days, although the way things are going we probably will!
 The daily Steamer 8th December - Old Navy
>> the wind blows, its wet, did I tell you about the wind....?

Good video, what wind, not enough breeze to disperse the smoke, let alone shake the trees. :)
 The daily Steamer 8th December - Pat
There is now ON, but not anything like you have.

You had an early start this morning Z:)

 The daily Steamer 8th December - Zero
>> There is now ON, but not anything like you have.
>> You had an early start this morning Z:)
>> Pat

Yup, staked out in the fens at sparrows fart Pat.
 The daily Steamer 8th December - Pat
I was up at 3am and can do an early frizzled bacon sarnie with warning!

No...on second thoughts I'll buy you one at the Green Welly!

 The daily Steamer 8th December - bathtub tom
The lovebirds are at it again.

 The daily Steamer 8th December - Zero
At Chatteris?

I will buy you breakie if you do me a favour, I need a truck to break down on the Crossing at March, about 25 minutes should do it. That way I can get two great shots in, Pymoor over the wash, and the March road/Turf drove bridge.
 The daily Steamer 8th December - Pat
I'll have to work on that one a bit:)

 The daily Steamer 8th December - RattleandSmoke
I am glad we don't have steam trains any more. As lovely as they are they belong in the past.

However it is great we still have heritage services and lines such as this :) and I am all for preserving them but they were too expensive to run etc.
 An e-bay find. - R.P.
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 8 Dec 11 at 21:57
 An e-bay find. - spamcan61
Wow, that's certainly a rare find. Pity Supermarine never really got the hang of producing decent jet aircraft, IMHO anyway.
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 8 Dec 11 at 21:57
 An e-bay find. - Zero
Fortunately the hunter was a more than adequate aircraft
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 8 Dec 11 at 21:57
 An e-bay find. - Bigtee
You want to buy some jets? These are for sale all
 An e-bay find. - devonite
Have a look at the Aircraft boneyard just outside Tulsa on Gooogle maps¬ thousands of aircraft of all types just sitting there! - what a waste, they must be saving them for some reason.
 Three in two days, - Zero
In the run up to Christmas, there are lots of specials about.

Done three in two days

yesterday Its Clan line, the interesting take on this is the Queens Engine on the back.

Today - Did two today, firstly it was a really nice drive down to AC's stomping ground, over the North and South downs, through the lovely towns of Chiddingfold, Petworth, Arundel to see Tangmere

Then a dash back up to home turf to see Britannia.
 Three in two days, - Dog
You certainly like your steam Z - great hobby! I still can't watch them (properly) without the video freezing and that little whirly thing in the middle spinning around :)

I'll have to get a roun tuit and plug that blimming modem into His Masters Socket, (or buy a Netgear for 50 squid)

I like the way you zoomed into the plaque etc., on that 1st puff puff - very clear image!
 Three in two days, - Bigtee
These Kettles are ok but where is a DIESEL?

Saw a 158 pah. lets have some classic Deltics.
 Three in two days, - Zero
Actually I am planning on doing classic diesels. Now anyone got any links on how to find the running times?

 Three in two days, - Zero
Another early start, risking going on out unsuitable tyres in freezing conditions, (so icy I slipped over getting out of the car!!!! where can i get all season soles!)

Tornado in the bright "sun just up" light., The lighting effects in this are incredible, so its not been doctored in any way, straight from SD card to you tube.
 Three in two days, - Dog
Nope! still can't play em, plugged my router into the master last night (careful!) but no better,

Bin onto Plusnet, so it should be sorted, come Spring :(
 Three in two days, - spamcan61
Best thing to do in the event of stuttery Youtube is to hit the pause button as soon as the video starts playback, and then let it download the whole video before resuming playback.
 Three in two days, - R.P.
Good vid Zero, especially the atmospheric closing shot - really tasty could only be one time of the year.
 Three in two days, - Dog
>>Best thing to do in the event of stuttery Youtube is ...

Thanks s/c I'll give he a go.
 Three in two days, - Dog
Yep - it worx!

I knew someone else who liked trains once, well - one train in particular, Tommy Wisbey.
 Three in two days, - Zero
This is a good video of todays train run, filmed near the end (not by me) with a twist at the end
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 12 Dec 11 at 21:21
 Three in two days, - Dog
Triffic :D
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
Some Great noises in this.

First the Tornado driver leans on the steam chime for a great doppler effect, and then some bloke leaves at the end on a BSA (think its a C15) sounding just as sweet.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Dog
Yep! - I've watched and enjoyed them all now, at 720p = great stuff :)
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
No point watching this in 1080 or 720 dog, quality is crap as the weather is disgusting! Had to lay some heavy stabilising on this with the video suite to get it watchable.

Bittern running Norwich to York. Normally for long runs Bittern can run a second tender with extra water. For some reason its not available, so its topped and tailed here by two class 47 diesel bankers,

Bittern was failed at York, where its currently stranded, with a broken spring.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
Oh and a lorry ran into the crossing gates near Ely causing it to be delayed. Nice try that, thanks pat, but you got the wrong station, it needed to be March gates.

about that new sat nav?
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Pat
I did my best for you Z, but he wouldn't go off his route because of the tracker, so I told him to go for it anyway.

 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Dog
Unusual design, I quite like it

I can see why people are attracted to the Fens, bit like the Moor, but flat :)

Being it's a relatively dry climate (usually!) compared to the West of Briton, one could site a nice Scandi/Canadian log built dwelling there, with lambs wool insulation + triple glazing ... Mmmm!
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Bigtee
Zero, Bittern was failed at York, where its currently stranded, with a broken spring.

Where does this go for a repair?
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
Usually its Southall, but it can be done at Carnforth.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - R.P.
Nice vid Z. The BSA was a tinny piece of grey porridge "engineering" best consigned to a museum. If I was to get a classic bike it would be a nice little Honda 400/4 or a CX500 now they sounded sweet ! :-)
Last edited by: R.P. on Fri 16 Dec 11 at 17:01
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Pat
>>best consigned to a museum<<

I can agree with that.

I worked on a farm at the bottom of a steep hill, on the way home I had to put each foot down and push my Bantam over the top every time it fired:(

It flew on the way down though!

 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
>> Nice vid Z. The BSA was a tinny piece of grey porridge "engineering" best consigned
>> to a museum. If I was to get a classic bike it would be a
>> nice little Honda 400/4 or a CX500 now they sounded sweet ! :-)

Sorry to disagree, (not about BSA ) but my classic bike would be a triumph bonnie t120.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 16 Dec 11 at 17:27
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Pat
Mine would be a Tiger Cub.....just like a Scania, it's piece of precision engineering to behold.

 Great sounds and a Motorbike - spamcan61
>> Unusual design, I quite like it
The shape is supposed to have been inspired by the Bugatti railcar, which kinda makes sense:=
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
and this, the flying hamburger
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - R.P.
Lovely design that.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Armel Coussine
>> Lovely design that.

I agree Rob, really classy and non-flash.

I don't know how to post a link so I haven't bothered to Google it, but in the forties and fifties there was a short-journey railcar train, usually of two or three wagons, diesel powered with the engines low down, on the GWR and painted in its brown and cream livery. I went on them as a child and youth between Bath and Bristol for example.

They looked frightfully modern and streamlined when I first saw them, but I don't suppose they would to a more modern eye. It's what you're used to...

We used to call them 'motor trains'. And I suppose it's conceivable the engines ran on petrol, but I doubt it.

Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Fri 16 Dec 11 at 17:59
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero

They used AEC 6 cyl diesels.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 16 Dec 11 at 18:01
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Armel Coussine
Certainly something like that although my memory is slightly different. That one looks better than I remember them looking. But my memory may well be defective in this context. I've never really been a railway freak.

(Railway not 'train'. It really irritates me when people say 'train station', like Americans who only went to primary school... But even my children do it, to my great shame...)
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - R.P.

Something for Zeddo maybe ? I have two episodes backed up on my Sky box - shame they're only broadcast in Wales as BBC Wales do some cracking drama and documentaries.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - rtj70
Shame you didn't mention part 1 before. It's not on iPlayer anymore. It's also only available until 20th December as part two. So I'm downloading the Flash version now to watch at some point.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - R.P.
Sorry about that - I have part 1 (to watch) on my box thing - if anyone wants I can whizz out a DVD if you need it.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - rtj70
I really liked the streamlined Duchess of Hamilton when I saw it at the NRM at York:
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
Alas they never stayed like that. The streamlining came off to ease maintenance. The A4s were the only ones that kept it.

They ran looking like this
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 16 Dec 11 at 18:20
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - rtj70
Which I guess is why I've seen reference to re-streamlining this particular train. I thought it stunning.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - devonite
>>Hence Bittern not working hard and the thin smoke laid flat by the wind,.<<

is it possible that the lead 47 could be helping Bittern out by pushing it a bit? - hence conserving water?
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Zero
>> >>Hence Bittern not working hard and the thin smoke laid flat by the wind,.<<
>> is it possible that the lead 47 could be helping Bittern out by pushing it
>> a bit? - hence conserving water?

That's exactly what's happening. The smoke is thin cos its not really working that hard. You cant hear it on the vid, or see the smoke, but the class 47 was working quite hard.
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - spamcan61
>> Certainly something like that although my memory is slightly different. That one looks better than
>> I remember them looking. But my memory may well be defective in this context. I've
>> never really been a railway freak.
There were a few variations on the theme with different cabs, plus they looked quite different in bland crimson rather than the GWR's brown & cream. Pictures of most variations here:-
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - rtj70
Reminds me of a VW camper van :-) Split screen and all.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 16 Dec 11 at 18:44
 Great sounds and a Motorbike - Dog
>>The shape is supposed to have been inspired by the Bugatti railcar, which kinda makes sense<<

I wouldn't mind putting the engine from that in a Morris Minor with a Jaaag back axle!
 Friday's bedtime film. - Ted

 Friday's bedtime film. - Zero
nice one ted, famous bit of film that.
 Three in two days, - Zero
>> These Kettles are ok but where is a DIESEL?
>> Saw a 158 pah. lets have some classic Deltics.

Ok, its not quite a Deltic, but its rarer, much much rarer, its a diesel and you will never have seen one of these.

Just for you, I present you with

A BR class 202 "Hastings" Diesel.
 Three in two days, - Bromptonaut
Didn't look as though it was all 'Hastings' gauged stock?

Shades of the 'tadpoles'??
 Three in two days, - Zero
No - its got two "fat" cars in the middle. More like a double tadpole.
 Three in two days, - Old Navy
These are real steam engines.
 Three in two days, - Dog
This is the greatest steam video so far IMO - a luvly pair of hooters as well ;)
 Three in two days, - devonite
how do they syncronise the speed between the front loco and the rear one so that they are pulling/pushing at the same rate?
 Three in two days, - spamcan61
>> how do they syncronise the speed between the front loco and the rear one so
>> that they are pulling/pushing at the same rate?
Not sure, in the old days it was usually whistle codes e.g one short wistle = back off, two = put your foot down - or something like that. Maybe they use radios these days, although that would be tricky on the footplate of a steam loco at speed I should think.
 Three in two days, - Zero
>> >> how do they syncronise the speed between the front loco and the rear one
>> so
>> >> that they are pulling/pushing at the same rate?
>> >>
>> Not sure, in the old days it was usually whistle codes e.g one short wistle
>> = back off, two = put your foot down - or something like that. Maybe
>> they use radios these days, although that would be tricky on the footplate of a
>> steam loco at speed I should think.

With steam? its by feel, sight and sound. Driver of lead engine sets the pace, driver two knows "the road" like driver one, so its not as tho they are at odds.
 Three in two days, - Zero
>> These are real steam engines.

My favs are the UP3985's, one down from the "big boys". Look at this beast hauling 143 double loaded container flat cars!

There are still some 3985's running (converted to oil) - listen to the whistle on this
 Dark is the night - Zero
Toddled out last night about 22:30, to catch Tornado watering at Chertsey. Took the camera and snapped this little piccy. Rather pleased with that.

I will throw in this pans people-esque music la interpretation to go with it
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 20 Dec 11 at 10:12
 Dark is the night - Bigtee
Zero,When did this obsession of train spotting start?
 Dark is the night - Zero
Thats not train-spotting, that is ART!
 Dark is the night - Hard Cheese

>> Rather pleased with that. >>


 Dark is the night - Zero
The photie! its rather arty I thought.

Oh I didnt put the link up!

Last edited by: Zero on Tue 20 Dec 11 at 12:20
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