500kbps is not enough for iplayer. That's about the speed I get most of the time and it can take 2 hours to download a half hour programme. Trying to watch them streaming is hopeless.
There are one or two people in my village who see 2Mbps but most of us are below 1Mbps. The fact that some people have a better line than others is not seen as grounds by BT for them to 'fix' the slower ones.
If you could watch iplayer before then something unhelpful has occurred. If they have been swappng connections around and you end up with an unbalanced pair, you are likely to experience a slower connection; or damage to the cable at some point can have the same effect. It's the luck of the draw to some extent - BT seem still to regard ADSL as an incidental bonus, when my connection went belly up 3 or 4 years ago they tried to deem my line 'unsuitable' and I had a real job to persuade them to work on it. As I sit here I am getting 481kbps down, which is about as good as it gets at busy times. The chances of them laying fibre here are nil, unfortunately.