I'm not familiar with your router but is the amber light showing no ADSL sync? If so it could be a line problem (or a router problem).
Is your phone line noisy (press a button to get rid of the dial tone and listen). If there is a noticeable buzz then report a line fault (don't mention the internet issue, just tell them you have a poor line)
We have a relatively poor line, and despite much to-ing and fro-ing with BT and the ISP, we still get drop outs when it rains because we lose the ADSL sync.
You might try different phone sockets as well, if you can get it to work on one but not another then it suggests a local/line rather than an ISP problem. The main socket should be the best bet.
Whenever I moan to the ISP they have me unplugging all the other "equipment" - it never makes any difference, but you could try that. You'll have to tell the ISP you've tried that anyway before they'll do anything else or pass it to BT.
And always try a restart as Zero suggests.
Last edited by: Manatee on Sat 20 Mar 10 at 10:38